The Association is run by an Executive Committee and also a Management Committee that consists of ITGA members who voluntarily give of their time, experience and expertise.
ITGA Executive Committee:
Brendan Lacey (Chairman)
William Merivale (Treasurer)
Des Drew (Company Secretary)
Dermot Byrne
ITGA Management Committee:
Brendan Lacey (Chairman)
William Merivale (Treasurer)
Des Drew (Company Secretary)
Victor Barber
Denis Bergin
Dermot Byrne
Willie Allshire
Joe Barry
James Bennett
Burke Corbett
Nicholas Cowman
Michael Veale
ITGA Secretariat & Technical Directorate:
Executive Secretary: Mechteld Schuller
Website Manager: Mechteld Schuller
Technical Director: Donal Whelan
ITGA is a membership organisation and most of our information and representation services are funded through membership subscriptions.
ITGA receives some funding assistance from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine