Timber Sales Systems

The following timber sales systems are available for downloading:

ITGA Template Tree Sales Agreement

The ITGA Template Tree Sales Agreement for the sale of Standing Timber was part funded by Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) in 2014, to facilitate the sale of timber in thinnings and fellings from private forests in Ireland.

In 2017 the Forest Service commenced circulating this Template Tree Sales Agreement with felling licences in order to promote best practice amongst growers in harvesting and timber sales.

Furthermore, the Template Tree Sales Agreement meets with forest certification requirements and was adopted as one of the template documents for use in the 'Services to Develop a Group Certification Template for Private Forest Owners - A Pilot Project', which was completed in May 2018.

It was also adopted by DAFM as a mandatory topic to be included in the Forestry Knowledge Transfer Group (KTG) Programme.

Following Funding from DAFM under the Woodland Support Projects 2021/2022, a revision of the Template Tree Sales Agreement was undertaken. This Second Edition is now available for viewing. 

ITGA Timber Sales Dispatch System

The ITGA Timber Sales Dispatch System is widely used in the industry and addresses issues relating to the standardised removal and accounting for timber movements from the forest to the sawmill or other end users.

This Timber Sales Dispatch System was also adopted by DAFM as a mandatory topic to be included in the forestry KTG Programme.

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ITGA Timber Sales Dispatch System

Irish Thinning Protocol

A complete step by step guide to the requirements and implementation of thinning systems in Ireland.

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Irish Thinning Protocol

Guidance for Forest Owners with Windblow

To deal with windblown timber it is important that timber growers are aware of the various steps to take in assessing and planning the harvest of this timber. This Guidance was drafted after Storm Darwin, but is relevant following any windblow.

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Guidance for Forest Owners with Windblow


The Irish Timber Growers Association (ITGA) was formed in 1977 to support the development and expansion of private sector forestry in Ireland and to represent and inform woodland owners. It is now the recognised national representative body of private woodland owners in Ireland.


Irish Timber Growers Association Secretariat
17 Castle Street
Co. Dublin A96 AH57

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Opening Hours: Mon, Tue and Wed 9AM to 5PM

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