
For over 40 years the Irish Timber Growers Association have offered members a comprehensive information and representation service.
The Association promotes the sustainable development of forestry in association with public and private sectors.
Through their ITGA membership, Irish timber growers are represented on a range of Industry working groups and bodies and ITGA comments on draft sector guidelines and other important forestry documents.

ITGA currently is represented on:

  • Project Woodland
  • PEFC Ireland Working Group tasked with revision of the Irish Forest Certification Standard
  • National Bioeconomy Forum
  • Timber Sector Leadership Group (Enterprise Ireland)
  • Consultative Committee on the Hen Harrier Threat Response Plan
  • COFORD Council
  • Various COFORD working groups

ITGA had representation on the following COFORD working groups:

A synopsis of the above working group reports was printed in the ITGA Spring 2019 Newsletter

ITGA was represented and had input into the following COFORD initiatives:

The Forestry 2030 Papers consist of the following five papers:

In addition to the contact with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM), the Association has developed a network of formal and informal contacts with the wider sector and industry. Over the past number of years the Association has been represented on a number of organisations, such as:

ITGA also networks and collaborates on matters relating to forestry with several national and international organisations.
Representatives of ITGA attend workshops and seminars on behalf of its membership and report on developments in the forestry sector in the ITGA Newsletter.
ITGA regularly makes representations on behalf of private timber growers and comments in national newspapers or on local and national radio on issues that may affect Irish timber growers.


The Irish Timber Growers Association (ITGA) was formed in 1977 to support the development and expansion of private sector forestry in Ireland and to represent and inform woodland owners. It is now the recognised national representative body of private woodland owners in Ireland.


Irish Timber Growers Association Secretariat
17 Castle Street
Co. Dublin A96 AH57

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Opening Hours: Mon, Tue and Wed 9AM to 5PM

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